Episode 152 – connect with inspiration

By on Nov 27, 2017 in Connect, Creating Space, Discovery Process, Growth, Plan, Podcast, Professional Development, Purposeful Disruption |




The holiday season is a time for reflection. Now is the time to think about how we are going to approach the next year. Make some space to think about how you want to continue to move yourself forward. How are you going to approach 2018? We are encouraging you to install some kind of sabbatical in your plans. It doesn’t have to be months or weeks. It simply needs to be some kind of installed time to assess where you are and to think about what’s next. Install time and think and experience something new.




“Make space.” (2:01)


“We need to be refreshed.” (6:02)



  • (1:24) The importance of a sabbatical.
  • (3:00) Introduce the sabbatical concept into your life.
  • (4:22) Connect with inspiration.

Tip of the Week

Take some time this holiday season to plan out 2018. Install some opportunities for a personal sabbatical in which you experience something different.