Episode 055 – five goals for a fresh start

Episode 055 – five goals for a fresh start

By on Jan 4, 2016 in Accountability, Move, Ownership, Podcast, Reinvention, Sustainable |


Listen to Episode 055

For most people, a fresh start in the new year means making a change; which usually translates to doing more. This year, instead of adding something to your to-do list, we’re challenging you NOT to do something. Actually, we want you to make an entire list of not-to-do’s. Sounds kind of liberating, doesn’t it?

In this episode, Mike and Misty give you good reasons why you should make that not-to-do list, and offer up four more doable challenges to embrace a reinvention lifestyle this year.
P.S. After you listen to this episode, don’t forget to share your reinvention mission with us.



“When we don’t know, we don’t do.” (3:38)

If you really think about what ‘enjoy the journey’ means, I think it gives you permission to be playful.” (12:50)



  • Around 7:42 Mike and Misty have a great discussion about the importance of reflecting on why you make certain choices.
  • Fast forward to 13:25 to hear a metaphor for establishing new patterns in a story about getting a coloring book for Christmas. (Any guesses on who got the coloring book?)



  1. Usually your own fear of the unknown is the biggest barrier preventing you from doing something different.
  2. Make a not-to-do list to remind yourself to break free of old patterns. It’s much easier to stop doing something than to add another thing to do.
  3. Choose to be enthused to try something new.
  4. Look for the lessons.
  5. Examine why you say no and what you are saying yes to instead…and be honest about it!