Highlights From Our Twitter Chat with Josh Linkner

Highlights From Our Twitter Chat with Josh Linkner

By on Aug 11, 2015 in Blog, Detroit |

PureReinvention had the honor of hosing a Twitter chat with Josh Linkner (@joshlinkner) during the height of the ASAE conference in Detroit in August.  Participants asked Josh about what the Detroit experience can offer associations and where in Detroit can you see reinvention in action.  Josh also shared some tips on how to manage change experiments as well as his thoughts on the future of association conferences.

PureReinvention thanks Josh for his help with our efforts in recent weeks (see the Josh Linkner podcasts: Part 1 and Part 2) and in being a great supporter of Detroit’s reinvention.  Josh is a bestselling author, venture capitalist and a Detroit native.



Question 1:

What unique value can offer associations?


Question 2:
  What will association conferences look like 10 years from now?
Question 3:
. Q3: What are change experiments?
Question 4:
. Detroit is all about reinvention. How can attendees see that this week?
Question 5:
, where are your favorite places to see in the city?
Question 6:
. How might  attendees witness  in the next few years when they come back to the 
 Question 7:
based on your keynote @ what will bring people back to Detroit
Question 8:
I love walking on Canfield! just to name a few! in action!