Episode 118 – ownership in the non-profit sector

Episode 118 – ownership in the non-profit sector

By on Apr 3, 2017 in Accountability, Associations, Behavior, Board of Directors, Leadership, Ownership, Podcast, Reinvention |



April starts a new quarter and a new focus for our podcasts. Quarter two is dedicated to the “own” step in the PureReinvention model. We’ve lined up some great interviews to demonstrate how you can effectively take ownership of the situation to address the disruptions we all face. In April we look at the non-profit sector and explore how staff, chief executives and board members can own their respective pieces of the puzzle to effectively advance the cause forward.



“We’re talking about the people who are behaving as owners” (3:29)


“Making money and being profitable in your programs should be an expectation.” (7:12)


“Thriving and looking forward to what’s next.” (8:40)




  • (1:25) What is ownership?
  • (3:59) Application.



Are you willing to be accountable in solving the problems your organization faces? Effective change happens only when people are brave enough to accept accountability for the results of the actions needed to be taken.