Episode 168 – Cornetta Lane – building a new story

By on Mar 19, 2018 in Behavior, Change, Collaboration, Detroit, Disruption, Growth, Lead by Action, Move, Passion, Support Group, Women in Leadership |



Cornetta suffered a tragedy not so long ago by losing her father and found out about the details on the evening news. She needed to process her grief and took the opportunity to share her father’s story through the secret society of twisted storytellers. Cornetta found that process to be so cathartic that she has dedicated her career to helping others to tell their stories. Listen as Mike talks to Cornetta about storytelling helps heal and the value telling your own story.




“(Storytelling) It was impactful to me.” (12:58)


“It didn’t exist so I created it.” (18:18)



  • (11:08) Transferring the value of storytelling.
  • (11:40) Storytelling to connect neighborhoods.
  • (12:56) The why.


Tip of the Week

Look for what you share in common when communicating. You get much further when you make that connection.